Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Pat Robertson Orders A Hit

The news programs have been abuzz today with word that "Conservative Christian" and host of the 700 Club, Pat Robertson has called for the assassination of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez.

You could just feel the glee with which many in the media reported this story. And the liberal pundits who lined up to take their shots could hardly suppress their, "see we told you he was dangerous" grins. It was as if they had been vindicated after years of telling the world that these Christians they warned the world about are a dangerous lot and must be stopped.

But what does Pat Robertson's statement referring to Chavez (pictured here with his hero and friend, Fidel Castro), that "we need to take him out" by way of a covert hit squad, say to the world and to the Body of Christ in particular.

Actually, for those who spend their time looking for a reason to reject Christianity, this merely fuels and confirms their hatred for God & His people. And it gives them some temporary cover. They really did not need this to reject Christianity, but it will give them some small satisfaction for a few moments or days. But do not worry they will be miserable again very soon.

The deeper question is what these comments say to those who call Jesus Lord. What are we to think of Brother Pat? First of all, although I believe he is wrong, very wrong, I still think of Pat Robertson as my brother and thank God for the wisdom and stability he has brought to my life and the lives of millions of others over the past 35 or more years. I am not ready to throw him overboard just yet for the sake of some godless pundits.

Pat's words will present a problem for some though, but they should not. Here is how I see it. I have long preached that the most significant sign of the end times is found in Matthew 24:12. The majority of chapter 24 deals with Jesus talking to the disciples of the signs of the end and His return. Many like to think that the "wars and rumors of wars," earthquakes, other perils and tribulations are the sign of the end. They are, but I happen to believe it is the little verse of Matt 24:12- And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold, that is the most significant.

This love that grows cold is "agape" love." The verse says that this God given, and God-like, love will grow cold in us because of the iniquity or lawlessness that appears to be out of control in the world around us. I believe that Pat Robertson has succumbed to this thinking and has giving up on a spiritual answer to the world's problems. This, by the way, is not the first time Pat has touched upon this theme. Remember that about a year or so ago he asked that God essentially kill a few Supreme Court Judges so President Bush could replace them.

But Pat is not alone. I suspect that he speaks for many. Many Christians are frustrated and have joined him in his desire to "help God," but in a more localized fashion. They have given up on believing that things can change for the better via a supernatural intervention and, therefore, feel the need to take a more physical approach. This is manifested in several ways, such as thinking that assassinating a communist leader, but also that executing child molesters and mass murderers, will remove evil from our midst. Don't we all wish it were that simple.

It is simple, but not that kind of simple and it is not always easy. We just have to trust God. By have to, I mean we really have to. Like having to breathe, eat, and drink. I mean we must 100%, without reserve, trust Him.

I think of Kendall Payne's song Aslan, based upon the C.S. Lewis's Classic Chronicles Of Narnia. Speaking of Aslan (Jesus), the message was, "He's not a tame lion." As Kendall says, "He won't say the words you wish that He would, He won't do the deeds you know that he could, He won't think the thoughts you think you think that he should, but He is good, He is good."

We need to remember that He is the Lord of all, and also that He is not Blind and He is not deaf. He just needs us to tap into His will and trust Him as we seek Him. If He seems aloof, it is usually because of us. Let's not use that as an excuse to trust in the weapons of this world.

He is good- yes, He is good.

Next time the other side of the coin- Rick Warren's Global P.E.A.C.E. Plan and why it will not work.