Thursday, December 21, 2006

A Time To Give Thanks

As I was pondering this time of year and what to say, I was struck with the words of the song, Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow. Nothing I could say would sum up better what is in my heart at the end of this year A.D. 2006. Thank you Father for all you have done for our family and those of our friends.

I also want to take time to thank you our friends for all your friendship has meant for the several few decades. From those who loved us and struggled with us as young believers, to those who prayed for and supported those 12 years with YWAM to those who have blessed us with their friendship and support since our arrival in Tulsa.

I want to give a special shout out to Roger & Donna Nix, whose basement apartment we called home for our first several weeks in Tulsa, and Donn & Lavaughn Thomas, who let me crash on their couch without notice, when my flight was stranded in Atlanta this year.

Also to those of you who supported Talitha in her mission to Uganda, and those who supported our youth soccer program here in tulsa, and/or the Booker T. Washington Inspirational Network, thank you so very much.

Below are a few photos of our family. Since we are scattered we have to do individual pics. I am also adding a few pics of what we love most, little children. The little guys are from 2 very distinct continents and cultures, but it is mazing how similar they seem.

Blessings and grace and love to all this Christmas season. May 2007 be your best year ever.

Talitha & Brett Lt. JG Zach Huff Chef Eli

Eddie Vickie, Michael &
Michael's mentor, professor
Father John Putka
Tita & Kids in Uganda

North Tulsa Soccer Kids