Friday, September 09, 2005

Whatever You Hear, It's Not About That

Please forgive me, at least initially, for taking a directly political tact in this blog post, but since I posted a spiritual one on my political blog, I guess turn about is fair game.

I know that you have all seen it. In the last week the rhetoric and attacks upon our President have been ratcheted up higher higher to almost a fever pitch. Vickie & I were in Atlanta last weekend and everywhere we went we heard the same thing. On the Metro, in restaurants, from the cable installation guy who was installing my sister in law's cable and, as a final insult, from the TSA agent who was frisking me as I was trying to leave Atlanta- almost with a single voice thay said, that President Bush had, "killed all of those people in New Orleans." The Levees had not been closed, the national Guard had not been mobilized and no one had any idea of what the actual result or casualty rate might be, but people were already blaming President Bush for failures real and/or imagined.

It got so bad that I could I could no longer stand it. Upon my return home I wrote a post on my political blog called President Bush Is Now Not Only President, but God and Satan Too. What caused , me to write this was the fact that a sister in California had shared an email with me saying that her pastor, of a very large black church in LA, had been championing the message that the President was a racist and at fault in the devastation in New Orleans. This was the day after rapper Kanye West stated on a Red Cross, Katrina fund raiser that, "President Bush does not care about black people," and that the National Guard were ordered to "shoot us" (black people).

What sparked much of this was a Salon Magazine article by former Clinton advisor Sidney Blumenthal, in which he accused the Bush administration of underfunding the levee projects in New Orleans and that this was responsible for the flooding and its resultant damage. This was picked up by the black media and instantly disseminated as Gospel. I do not want to get into the veracity, or not, of this claim but want to discuss the broader subject of, what is really going on here.

I think each of you has also seen the increase in the number and severity of attacks upon anything associated with this administration. What I want to say to you is that whatever you are hearing or reading, it has nothing to do with the real issue. Every attack upon this administration has one thing behind it, that President Bush won the 2000 election, and he was not supposed to. Furthermore, although you may hear the attacks from different sources and via different media vehicles, it all comes from the same basic source. That source is a conglomerate of "progressive", secular humanist political action groups. Most of them are funded by naturalized Hungarian/American, billionaire, money trader George Soros. For those of you who are not aware, the term "progressive" is the new label for what used to be called socialist or communist. New name same aim.

In my 3 part discussion on Holy War, I spoke of the 3 fold attack on Christianty. One of those was the secular humanist attack. They have an endless source of funds and are committed to taking over and changing the shape of America. George Soros, and Peter Lewis, the owner of the Progressive Insurance Company, spent over $40 million just between the two of them to defeat President Bush last year. They continue with their funding of, America Coming Together and others. To be honest President Bush is not really even the issue with them, it is all about power and who will determine the future direction of this nation. President Bush represents a biblical world view, which includes faith and moral absolutes with God as the supreme authority and Soros & Lewis represent a secular humanist world view in which there is no room for God, and wher man is the absolute authority.

This Secular Humanist world view is the same world view which now controls Europe through the European Union, who's constitution has 70 million words as compared to the U.S. Constitution which has 70, 000 words. The most striking difference in the two documents, however, is that among the 70 million words, the words God, Christ or Christian are not found once in the EU constitution. This was not by accident, but by design.

Which brings me back to the matter of the attacks on President Bush regarding the Hurricane. We must always remember that it is not about Katrina. When we hear them attacking the President about Iraq, it is not about Iraq Iwhere wer ethey when President Clinton attacked Serbia? Even when we hear them attacking him about racism, it is not about racism. In each and every case, it is not about the subject being discussed. What it is about is the struggle between a Christ centered world view and a secular world view. It is the struggle between God, Satan, the "Power of the Air." The reason that the attacks are becoming more intense and more deperate is that God through His people is winning in Ameirca and we are the last bastion of righteousness, even though we do not often seem like it. Satan and his disciples are becoming desparate and so are their attacks.

What we can and must we do is to remian in faithful prayer for president Bush as a representative of the Kingdom of God. No, he is not perfect, he is a man, and a fallible man. But he publically calls upon God and asks His people to seek God. Next Friday, September 16th has been proclaimed a national day of prayer for our nation and the trouble we are experiencing. God's enemies want us to call upon man and lean upon "the arm of flesh." They hate this president and those who believe as he does and for having the nerve to thing and do other than they do.

To quote the followers of Elyon in Ted Dekker's "Circle" books, I urge you, borthers and sisters to Be Strong!