Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Thoughts For May 2007

In this addition of Salt Inc. I want to deal with a few issues that I believe we cannot ignore and one to ponder.

They Called Him Intolerant
Last week Rev. Dr. Jerry Falwell passed away. As I watched and listened to the various news outlets discuss the man’s life & legacy I kept thinking, “with friends like these.” I am referring to the fact that every program I saw had people on trying to be kind, and remember the impact he had, but one word kept popping up in each discussion. That word was “Intolerant!” They called Rev. Falwell Intolerant. In thinking about it, I began thinking “ man, I hope that I am called intolerant too. What is intolerance? Intolerant of what? What is never discussed in the discussions of Dr. Falwell’s intolerance is what he was really intolerant of. It was not people he was intolerant of, it was Sin. He was as intolerant of heterosexual sin as he was homosexual sin. People seem to forget that he came to prominence beyond the “Moral Majority” political action organization after the PTL debacle. Dr. Falwell had to deal with Jim Baker and clean up that whole mess. I did not hear anyone crying he is intolerant when he stepped in and kicked butt at PTL.

Unfortunately many of those calling themselves Christian today fear the word intolerance. They do not want to be considered bigoted. Author and sports reporter Bernard Goldberg has an excellent book out currently titled, “Crazies To The Left Of Me, Wimps To The Right.” There are too many Christian wimps today. Those seeking to be accepted by the world, or at the least not be rejected.

When I think of the passing of Rev. Dr. Jerry Falwell, I can only think of the scripture,

I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds. John 12:24

I pray that thousands of young people intolerant of sin would rise up to replace this one man. May they become the world’s greatest nightmare.

A Necessary Discussion

In the days weeks months ahead, I am going to predict to you here that you will see Gov. Mitt Romney emerge as the clear leading candidate for the GOP in the 2008 presidential race. What gave me this clue is when I began hearing atheist and vehement anti-Christians, such as Bill Maher and Christopher Hitchens, discussing the theology of the Mormon church. That was a clue to me that something is not right here. Thanks Bill et, al, but I will take it from here.

With the emerging candidacy Governor and Mormon, Mitt Romney for President, I thought we need to have this conversation sooner than later. What is a Bible believing Christian to think about supporting a “cultist” for political office? Here are my thoughts.

As some of you know I studied Cult Apologetics in seminary under the world’s foremost authority on cults, Dr. Walter Martin. Walter Martin not only wrote the bible on cults “Kingdom of the Cults,” but also founded the nationally syndicated radio program,
“The Bible Answer Man” which he hosted until his death. The book, the program and our class spent more time on Mormonism than any other cult, or aberrant theological doctrine. I not only had Dr. Martin as a professor but had many social interactions with him through mutual friends in San Juan Capistrano where Dr. Martin lived. I say this to tell you that I know about Mormonism and Mormons. Having said all of this, I had to face the question of voting and supporting a Mormon for political office and want you to do the same.

Once I sought God, it was actually pretty simple for me. You will have to seek Him for your own understanding but I refer you to 2 scriptures. The first is: Mark 9: 38-41 with a reference to Luke 9:50-

Mark 9:38"Teacher," said John, "we saw a man driving out demons in your name and we told him to stop, because he was not one of us." 39"Do not stop him," Jesus said. "No one who does a miracle in my name can in the next moment say anything bad about me, 40for whoever is not against us is for us. 41I tell you the truth, anyone who gives you a cup of water in my name because you belong to Christ will certainly not lose his reward.

Luke 9:50- Do not stop him," Jesus said, "for “whoever is not against you is for you.”

The second is found in Romans 2:26-

26 If those who are not circumcised keep the law's requirements, will they not be regarded as though they were circumcised? 27 The one who is not circumcised physically and yet obeys the law will condemn you who, even though you have the written code and circumcision, are a lawbreaker.

I urge you to pray over and read these passages yourselves, in context, but I believe there are 2 things these scriptures are telling us. In reverse order, if someone lives by and does the things of God by nature, his or her theology may be screwed up, but the spirit is right and will be honored by God. If they have faith in God, are faithful to one wife, live the things of Gods law, etc., they fulfill the spiritual law, even though they may not fulfill the external or understood theological tenants of the faith. They will still have to answer the question one day, “Who is this Christ and whose Son is He,” but Jesus commends them for supporting His work on earth. Secondly, although Jesus is speaking of casting out of demons from a body in the Mark & Luke passages, the same could be said of casting out demons and/or doctrines of demons from our nation. “If he is not against us, he is for us.” There are many wanting to lead our nation under the influence of doctrines of devils. We must stop them. It is imperative the each believer seeks the truth about the ideology and policies that presidential and other candidates will implement in our nation. They may say they are Christian, or go to church, but the things they do betray them and that belief.

As the late Dr. Jerry Falwell said about Gov. Romney, if we were electing a Bishop, I could not support him, but we are not electing a Bishop, we are electing a president of the United States.

Each of us must come to grips with this question and those that will have a lasting affect on this nation and the world.

Could this man be the Anti-Christ?

A good friend of mine here in the Tulsa suburb of Sand Springs just wrote the following pieces to which I will link you. It relates to billionaire, money trader, George Soros. I have come to the same conclusion a few years ago already and wrote about it from a slightly different point of view, but this is very good stuff and worth noting and keeping an eye on.